Let's Make Art Matter for Tom & Megan- December 2018
Tom and Megan love kids. They both come from large families and love creating traditions and memories in their home. They have three little boys and one girl - Henrie, George, Violet and Samuel. Their youngest little boy, Samuel, is due to be born at the end of December. He was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. These two conditions mean that once he is born, his body won't know how to survive on its own. They've created a bucket list for Samuel and have been checking items off one by one in attempts to help him experience important life events now, for when they will be missing him later. Let’s send them some love.
If you would like to send Tom and Megan's family a postcard, a stamped and addressed postcard is included in the December Subscription Box.
If you are not subscribed to the Let's Make Art Monthly Subscription Box, but would still like to send some love, please email hello@letsmakeart.com for the address.
1 comment
Did you do the paint along for the postcard yet? And if so, is it somewhere I can find? Thanks!