Let's Make Art Matter To Honor Man's Best Friend - Pals with Paws Mini Watercolor Painting
Join watercolor artist, Sarah Cray, and paint something to honor our pals with paws. At one time or another, we have all experienced or have known someone to experience the loss of a beloved pet. It is heartbreaking. When Sarah's family lost their family dog of 14 years, someone within our wonderful watercolor community painted a photo of Harvey and mailed it to the Cray's. Sarah found this act of kindness so incredibly comforting during her time of loss. This month let's take a moment to paint a little something for someone (or ourselves) in honor of our pals with paws!
Join watercolor artist, Sarah Cray, as she teaches how to paint a loose floral paw print. A pre-stamped postcard is included in our Pals with Paws watercolor box.
1 comment
This is a brilliant idea. I am hoping to paint this sweet paw today. Thank you so much for all you do.