Do you ever stop what you're doing and think, "Oh wow... I've made this WAY too complicated?"
Well, you're right. We think we've made a few things WAY too complicated! As your daily lives continue to change, we want to make sure Let's Make Art gives you easy and affordable options to continue to grow and develop as an artist. We also want to make sure you're able to try new things!
We've listened to some of the thoughtful and loving feedback you've provided us, and have incorporated your input into some exciting updates!
On May 1, we will reveal a new monthly watercolor box from Sarah Cray!
Check this out:
• It will be available RIGHT AWAY to purchase
• Videos will immediately be accessible in your My Videos account after you purchase
• Your box will ship as soon as your order is processed! WHAM, BAM, BOOM - quick, exciting, and hopefully WAY easier to keep track of! WE ARE SO EXCITED!
To make this change, April is going to look a little different. Here are all the details you'll need to know!
• On April 1, there will NOT be a new monthly watercolor box revealed.
• Subscribers, you will NOT need to worry about your cards being charged on April 18. This month will be the last autopay charge for anyone currently enrolled in the Subscription program.
So, is this still a subscription?
The short answer is "no". Let's Make Art is transitioning from a subscription program to a monthly box release program.
Here's what stays the same:
You will still get the opportunity to purchase a watercolor box every month with four incredible tutorials from Sarah Cray, WE PROMISE!
Here's what's changing:
When a box is revealed on the first of the month, jump on the site and make your purchase! It will be first come, first serve - GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT, FOLKS! When you purchase your box, the tutorial videos will be immediately available in your My Videos library, and we'll ship your box right away (NO MORE WAITING)!
The monthly box will now be $39.99 - THAT'S $5.01 LESS than our current Monthly Box option! We know everyone is having to pay a little extra right now for things like eggs, gas, new shoes (oh wait... is that just me? hehe), and we wanted to do as much as we could to help make your experience with Let's Make Art and commitment to continuing to develop your artistic skills as affordable as possible.
The box revealed on the first of the month COULD SELL OUT! We will announce the newly revealed box every month with an email, and we recommend you jump on the site and hit that BUY NOW button to ensure your box is headed to you as quickly as we can call the FedEx truck. You won't want to be caught waiting - by the end of the month, boxes will no longer be available!
We know some of you appreciated the subscription nature of the program. WE STILL HAVE AN OPTION FOR YOU!
Life gets busy, and there are MANY things to remember to do on the first of the month. That's why we are creating a quarterly box option.
If you want to be guaranteed a box for 3 months at a time, go ahead and purchase our Quarterly Box Delivery Option. By doing this, we'll set aside your boxes immediately and ship them to you the first week of each month without you needing to hit the BUY NOW button again.
Right now, our quarterly box delivery program will cover your purchase of the April, May and June Watercolor Boxes from Sarah Cray for $119.99 and you will recieve FREE SHIPPING on all 3 boxes.
AND THERE'S MORE! We know that choosing the Quarterly Box is a commitment, so we want to commit to you too. At time of purchase, all Quarterly Box Customers will receive a $15 Gift Card to be used during that 3 month period of time (gift card expires at the end of each quarter). That's $5 a month to spend on art supplies you may need to stock up on or something special you want to try from Let's Make Art!
We've seen what Sarah has been working on for the rest of the year, and you are NOT going to want to miss a single project!
We know some of you have enough Dandelion Paint and LMA Paper to last you for a little while. Even if that's the case, we still want to paint with you!
NOW AVAILABLE - Quarterly DIGITAL ONLY releases!
We've fixed all the bugs, the kinks have been worked out — education-only, digital releases will be available every quarter.
Right now, our quarterly DIGITAL ONLY releases will cover April, May and June watercolor tutorials from Sarah Cray for only $44.99 to include all three months.
You will recieve a PDF of the same printed materials found in our physical boxes and access to all Sarah's video tutorials on the first of the month when the boxes are revealed.
For those who have been participating in our Monthly Digital Subscription, the Quarterly Box Program will be our only digital opportunity moving forward.
Everyone loves a good visual – we’ve made one for the new Monthly Watercolor Program

Reminder on timing for changes to go into effect
With April 1st right around the corner, here are some key dates to keep in mind:
We have revealed the "How Does Your Garden Grow" Box from Sarah Cray (and we're SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!)
Subscribers, this will be the last "subscription" box we release. Nothing changes this month, so subscribe for 15% off
Our Quarterly Box Delivery Program and Quarterly DIGITAL ONLY Release for April, May and June are available for purchase on the site! If you would like to participate in either Quarterly Program and be guaranteed a box or education for each of those months, please purchase now!
Subscribers, you will have your card charged for the last time on March 18 if you have elected to receive the "How Does Your Garden Grow" Watercolor Box.
A monthly watercolor box will NOT be revealed, since the current "How Does Your Garden Grow" box will be available for purchase through April 30th.
HOWEVER, we will be revealing a SUPER EXCITING unique bonus box outside of the monthly release cadence from Sarah (EEEEKKKKK!!!!). Mark your calendars and get ready for some sneak peeks in the next few days!
Quarterly Box Program Participants will receive their "How Does Your Garden Grow" Watercolor Box + videos, and will be guaranteed boxes in May and June that will ship the first weeks of those months.
Timing For Kit Releases
You may have noticed that over the last few months, our watercolor kits have released a little later. We've tried to standardize kit releases so you can know what to expect when waiting for that project to drop! Here are a few new details so that everyone is in the loop...
Watercolor Kits will always be released one month following a boxes' release on a weekly cadence. So if you're looking for a kit that was in the Wabi Sabi Box that launched on March 1, we will be releasing one kit weekly in April. Make sense?
When you buy a new kit, you will now get access to that project's tutorial video through your My Videos page at www.letsmakeart.com/my-videos.
Tutorial Releases to the Public
Here's where things are changing - and we're telling you guys in advance this time! Let's Make Art will continue to release free weekly art education, because we believe everyone should have access to learn. Beginning April 1, there will be a 2-month delay from the time the monthly box drops to when tutorial video begin to release for free.
Here's what that looks like – visuals always help!

Tutorials from the "How Does Your Garden Grow?" box will begin releasing for free on the Let's Make Art YouTube channel the first Wednesday in June.
If you haven't purchased the "How Does Your Garden Grow?" box from Sarah Cray yet, jump on the site and hit that BUY NOW button! You can also choose our quarterly box delivery program or quarterly digital release to ensure you get a box every month and access to Sarah's tutorial videos right away!
An Update on the Kid's Art Subscription Program
We appreciate all the parents and kids who have painted with us in the past! Your enthusiasm and bravery have been AWESOME! We have had to make some tough decisions recently in an effort to continue to manage and support our small business. As a result, our Kid's Art Program is coming to an end.
We still have one, really incredible Kid's Box to share with you! The final Kid's Art Subscription Box will be revealed on April 1st and it's really fun! Subscribe before the end of April to get 15% off your box, and videos will be released starting May 1st.
If you have a Kid's Art Subscription, your final charge will be on April 18th for the soon to be revealed May Art Box, and your subscription will be automatically canceled after this shipment.
If you have questions about any of our changes, we are always here for you at hello@letsmakeart.com
Phew… that was a lot of words!
We know there's more we can do to make things easy and accessible for you! There will be more to come, we promise.
Thank you for your kind words, encouragement and continued support. Each month, when you share your creative achievements, we are inspired by each of you!
- Your Team at Let's Make Art
P.S. Stay tuned for updates on the Kid's Subscription Program on April 1st